When you think of summer you probably think of beautiful sandy beaches, picnics and weekend getaways with your family, and bright colors that are full of sunshine. Summer is a special time for many people and they want to incorporate those colors into their home year-round. What a great idea! Keep reading to find out the best colors to make this happen.
The Beautiful Blue Sky
The sky has a calming presence. The light blue can go into any room to create this similar effect. You can do so with subtle patterns as well as fabric colors. Pair this color with white or sea green to get a full effect.
Sea Green
A nice pale green does well in rooms that have a lot of national sunlight. If you combine this color with white or another shade of green, you will get the complete experience.
Coral is typically known as an accent color, so we are here to show you how to make coral “work” in with your room. Add it to any room, especially ones with a beach-themed in them. Coral is also great on textiles. Coral can be paired with white or other tropical colors.
Light Yellow
Yellow makes shelves in rooms look great. It also it perfect for kid’s rooms as well as the kitchen. If you are looking to make it an accent piece, try a bolder yellow. Light yellow looks great with dark gray, white, and natural woods.
Navy Blue
Navy blue adds a pop to any room. This color is great as a backdrop and can be found in many patterns. Navy blue perfectly goes with yellow, red and other accent colors.
Bright Red
Bright red is a friendly and happy color. It also works great for dining rooms. Pair this with a white or light wood and you will have a beautiful room. You can even consider keeping it a full single accent wall or simply add it to a few pieces around the room.